A Proposed Seaplane Float in Water Entry Problem and Landing in Waves using Particle Based Method


  • Dimas Bahtera Eskayudha Department of Transportation and Environmental System, Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics for Transportation and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
  • Kenji Yamamoto Department of Transportation and Environmental System, Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics for Transportation and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
  • Taiga Kanehira Department of Transportation and Environmental System, Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics for Transportation and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
  • Takuji Nakashima Department of Transportation and Environmental System, Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics for Transportation and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan
  • Hidemi Mutsuda Department of Transportation and Environmental System, Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics for Transportation and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan




Seaplane float, Water entry, Landing waves, Particle based method, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, DualSPHysics


Seaplane is the newly transportation mode which is developed in the Indonesian Archipelago Region. Originally, the seaplane is equipped by pair of the floats in function to withstand the aircraft load and maintain the seaplane on the water stably. One of the critical moments in the seaplane operation is in the landing phase in waves. The failure in the float performance can be led into severe conditions, even the capsize. In this paper, the aims are to determine the water impact characteristics and response of the proposed seaplane float by implementing the water entry case, calm water landing, and when landing in the periodic waves condition. The numerical model was developed using DualSPHysics based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic to obtain more realistic and accurate prediction of the pressure, velocity fields, and water spray motion with droplets in complex shape of the float. According to numerical results and reproducible experimental data in this study, the 2D water entry and 3D calm and waves water problem were applied to reproduce the detailed characteristics of the interaction between the proposed seaplane float and the water surface with splashing. The paper showed that the developed model could be a useful tool to design the seaplane float for Indonesian seaplane in the future


Author Biography

Dimas Bahtera Eskayudha, Department of Transportation and Environmental System, Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics for Transportation and Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan



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How to Cite

Dimas Bahtera Eskayudha, Kenji Yamamoto, Taiga Kanehira, Takuji Nakashima, & Hidemi Mutsuda. (2023). A Proposed Seaplane Float in Water Entry Problem and Landing in Waves using Particle Based Method. Journal of Advanced Research in Numerical Heat Transfer, 13(1), 31–38. https://doi.org/10.37934/arnht.13.1.3138




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