Physics-Chemical Analysis on The Surface and Ground Water: A Case Study in Aceh Province
Surface water, Ground water, Physicschemical, Heavy metals, Aceh ProvinceAbstract
Environment is a habitat for all living things in the universe. Therefore, it must be preserved, especially on the surface and ground water. Environmental pollution in almost all over the world recently has been in a very alarming level. The main focus of this paper is to analyze the level of pollution on the surface and ground water that is influenced by industrial activities and other human activities. The method used in this research is field and laboratory investigations, and the material analyzed is the surface water and ground water samples. The analysis shows that industrial activities and human activities carried out so far correlated to the occurrence of pollution on the surface and ground water. The analysis showed that the heavy metal Ph at the highest water level of 0.01 mg/L was recorded in Lhokseumawe City. While the highest heavy metal Ph was also found in Lhokseumawe City by 0.0076 mg/L. The results of the analysis of heavy metals in groundwater analyzed at the three locations show that Lhokseumawe City is also the highest with 0.0076 mg/L compared to Bireuen and Aceh Utara District. While Aceh Utara District has the highest pollution for heavy metals Pb of 0.004 mg/L. Thus, there needs to be a supervision in active industries so that environmental pollution can always be stable in the future.