Study on the Potentiality of Power Generation from Exhaust Air Energy Recovery Wind Turbine: A Review
Low-Carbon Energy, Power Generation, Economic Renewable Energy Resources, Exhaust Air Energy Recovery Wind TurbineAbstract
Presently the worldwide lockdown from Covid-19 give a huge effect on different sectors across the board, notably on energy consumption. Lockdowns have fuelled the intensification of low-carbon resources in terms of electricity production, yet a drastic upswing in electricity use in residential districts during the pandemic. By exploring economic renewable energy resources, the world is trying to overcome the crisis and one of them is wind energy, where this sustainable energy system is highly demanded, thus reducing global CO2 emissions. Researchers have carried out several findings on wind energy obtained from wind turbines at various potential locations, but most of it used natural sources as a wind stream. Therefore, a revolutionary concept on extracting clean energy from manufactured wind resources with wind turbine system for power generation is introduced in recent studies. The main goal of this review paper is to emphasize the performances of power generation through Exhaust Air Energy Recovery Wind Turbine. The potentiality of wind extractions is reviewed to achieve the clear overview of this new progressive ideas and the important configurations is accentuated. Most findings indicated that this energy recovery device converts wasted energy to a more profitable form by converting it to electricity, resulting in a rapid return on investment. Moreover, the enclosing the output area of wind turbines for recovering energy enhances overall efficiency.