Impact of Al2O3 with Different Injection Pressures Using Deccan Hemp Oil Methyl Ester-Diesel Blend: An Experimental Study
Aluminum oxide, Deccen hemp oil methyl ester, injection pressure, emissions, BTEAbstract
Fuel derived from deccen hemp oil (DHO) has been utilized in the current study due to non-stop consumption and unpredictable price fluctuations, which made researchers concentrate on searching for a suitable substitute for diesel fuel (DF). This study aims to investigate the effect of injection pressure (IP) on the performance, emission, and combustion behaviours of the compression ignition (CI) engine using aluminium oxide (Al2O3) nanoparticles. In the present work, the Al2O3 nanoparticles were blended with deccen hemp oil methyl ester-diesel fuel blend (DHME20) at a dosing level of 50 mg/l. Engine performance, emission, and combustion behaviour were assessed with Al2O3 blended DHME20 at two different IP of 210 and 230 bar, and results were analyzed. The blending of nanoparticles into the test fuel resulted in improved characteristics of the engine. Increased IP enhances the spray penetration in the cylinder, improving the combustion quality. This study concluded that mixing Al2O3 with DHME20 might be a better alternate fuel for a CI engine operating at 230 bar of IP.