Efficiency and Precision in Printing: Study of the Control System of a Rotogravure Machine
Precision, printing machine, control system, rotogravure machineAbstract
Rotogravure printing is a well-liked and effective printing technique in the packaging sector of a printing cylinder. In making an automatic rotogravure machine, it is necessary to design an appropriate control system. In Indonesia, semi-automatic technology is still used to make rotogravure machines, and printing speeds are often slow. For automation machines, they are still imported. Apart from that, the machine's ability to adjust its precision is also limited. The purpose of this article is to examine the control system for a 6-cylinder automatic rotogravure machine, and discuss the rotogravure machine printing process, important aspects of rotogravure machine operation, differentiation in selecting motor types for torque and speed control, as well as advantages in efficiency and precision control over the environment. The method of using a literature review is qualitative-descriptive. The main findings on rotogravure machines include five main aspects: (1) ink flow management, (2) control of the drying system, (3) register control, (4) tension and speed control, and (5) fault detection, data logging, and analysis.