Effects of Multi-Variant Biofuel on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emission of DDF Engine System
Renewable Energy, Biodiesel, Diesel Dual Fuel, Engine Performance , Exhaust EmissionAbstract
This paper presents an investigation on the effect of multi-variant biofuel towards engine performance parameter and emission characteristic, using mix of diesel dual fuel (DDF) engine of different blend biodiesel (B5-DDF and B10-DDF) of palm oil and coconut oil in comparison to pure diesel, diesel-biodiesel (B5 and B10). This experiment was conducted with variable speed between 1400-2700 rpm at an interval of 400rpm. The collected data for engine performance showed that B5- DDF coconut oil produced the highest torque, but the brake specific fuel consumption was reduced as compared to diesel with 36% and 28.02%, respectively. In case of engine emission, lower emission of CO2 was recorded by B5-DDF coconut oil. B10 palm oil emitted low emission of CO compared to other fuels. Significant reduction of NOx concentration was recorded for B5-DDF palm oil compared to other fuel. It can be concluded that, diesel engine with some modifications can be used as engine DDF, which has beneficial effects both in terms of emission reduction and performance as alternative fuel.