Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Thermoelectric Generators Performance under Solar Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) System
COMSOL, Solar PV/T, Solar Thermal Energy, Thermoelectric Generator, Computational Fluid DynamicsAbstract
Solar radiation could be harnessed to produce thermal and electrical energy. The solar thermal radiation is very advantageous as it can be harnessed easily and at an affordable cost. Electrical energy could be produced from the solar radiation by photovoltaic process and have an efficiency of 20-40%. This process is currently limited to its material and manufacturing costs, inefficiency under thermal load and relatively lower performance under low clearness index conditions. By using both properties, a solar photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) hybrid could be designed to increase thermal and electrical efficiency during low clearness index. The study of the potential application of Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) in PV/T applications is highlighted to see the opportunities that are available in this field of study. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation using COMSOL software was carried out.