Experimental Study on the Effect of Multilayer Microchannel Arrangement to the Thermal Hydraulic Performance of Microchannel Arrays
Multilayer microchannel, pressure drop, developing flow, heat transferAbstract
Devices such as Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), supercomputers and microcontroller depend on the heat sink ability of a microchannel. The present study focuses on the experimental study on the effect of multilayer microchannel arrangement to the thermal hydraulic performance of microchannel arrays. The main objective of the study is to design /develop array of micro channel with different layer arrangement and to experimentally investigate the effect of layer arrangement in microchannel arrays performance. A microchannel heat sink with two layers configuration were designed and developed to study the thermal hydraulic performance. The data collected were used to find the heat flux dissipated by the microchannel, the pressure drop of the system, and dimensionless parameter (Nusseltnumber and Reynolds number). Analysis of experimental results presented the thermal hydraulic performance of short microchannel heat sink and discussed the effect of mass flow rate, heat flux and temperature difference of the flow to the heat transfer performance. The data obtained in this study revealed that 128 short multilayer microchannel structured on area of 1cm2 could dissipate a maximum of 260 W/cm2 heat with maximum substrate temperature to inlet water temperature difference of 5oC. This was achieved by a pressure loss of only 1.71 bar. The comparative study was done for the results obtained for the double layer with the single layer where the heat flux, pressure drop and Nusselt number was compared.