Experimental Study of the Effect of Piccolo Tube Pipe on the Air-Conditioning Experimental Rig
Piccolo Tube, Relative Humidity , Air Velocity , Rate of Humidity additionAbstract
Air-Conditioning system playsvital role in Indoor Air Quality. Low humidity in atmospherecost crucialconsequence to human skinand nasal passages. Installing ultrasonic humidifier to air conditioningsystem is one of the optionsto make up lost humidity.An experimental HVAC rig iscombined with ultrasonic humidifier to humidify the systemby using a piccolo tube.This paper presents experimental study of humidity profilein an experimental rig at different air velocity and piccolo holesdiameter. Experiment results show that, underfixed inlet air velocityand mist flow rate,relative humidity (RH) increased with piccolo holes diameter. RH of 12mm holes diameterpiccolo tubeis 7.4%higherthan 5 mm holes diameterpiccolo tubefor 3ms-1air velocity. Similarly,under fixed piccolo holes diameterand mist flow rate,RHis decreasedwithincreasingair velocity.RH of 5ms-1velocityis 13.4% lowerthan 1ms-1velocity for RH change. Rate of humidity added to the HVAC systemby ultrasonic humidifieralso increased withrespect to holes diameter size and air velocity.3ms-1and 12 mm piccolo holes diameter shows highestgradienthumidity mixing rate.